
This Calligram is inspired by a tattoo I have always wanted to get. The dove reminds me of my paternal grandmother who passed away when I was 9. I have always felt a deep connection to her. She was one of the strongest women I have known and I know this not only from my memories of her but from the impression she left on other people. I strive to be like her, always fighting, always caring, always graceful, and always admired. 

I created this calligram in Adobe Illustrator using mostly the pen tool and then adjusted the lines and added curves using the direct selection tool. I know what I have created is very simple but that has always been a preference for me. 

Dear future me,

You spent your whole childhood yearning to be an adult, impatiently waiting for maturity, respect, and validation you so desperately sought. Now that you’re an adult, all you want is the sweetly uninhibited moments of play and lack of responsibility that childhood granted you. Life isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon and you’re not in it just to “win.” Like a marathon, it's more about the experience and being able to talk about the things you accomplished, rather than to come out on top. 

Be gentle with yourself. Be accepting of yourself. You are a composite of all the challenges and blessings you have encountered. Don't have regrets. You have made mistakes but with each one, lessons have been learned. 

Be messy sometimes. Let it all go. Embrace all of your learnings and cherish your experiences. Don't take yourself too seriously, especially when it comes to new environments. You are your best self when you are open and accepting. Allow yourself to fall out of your routine. It won't lead to catastrophic events. Be easy on yourself, because everyone experiences an off day. 

ENJOY IT. ALL OF IT. You will have enough time to do everything that you love, so stop stressing so much. You miss the beauty when you are stressed. Be here now. Hug those around you. Ask them how they are doing, and truly listen (without plotting your response at the same time). The inexplicable sensation of true connection and understanding is the best feeling in the entire world. If you keep focusing on the response you are planning to give you will never fully understand what the other person is trying to communicate to you. However, you should always think before you speak (remember how bad we were at that at like 8 years old).

No one lives forever so be sure to cherish every moment, and when they pass and when you pass, find comfort in knowing that we are simply souls within these bodies, and we will all be connected at some point again. Life is a gift, not something that is a given, so enjoy every second while you’re here.

You have found the contents and happiness you have been striving for all your life. Continue to believe in yourself and your successes. Everything worked out exactly as it should be. All the puzzle pieces fit, all the paths make sense. All the people were meant to be. All the successes and failures and heartwarming and heartbreaking moments were all worth it. No regrets. You were and are and have been and always will be yourself, and that’s what matters above all. Your journey is not over yet 


  1. I really like how meaningful this symbol is to you that you have it tattooed and you made your calligram out of it


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